Have you found bed bugs in your bed ?
Bedbugs are easily over looked or generally not acknowledged as they are not as common and visible as the common Ant or Cockroach.
Bedbugs are often mistaken for fluff or an apple seed as they are flat in shape, approximately 45mm in length and are brown/red in colour. Though, after a Bedbug has fed its body can swell, in turn changing its size and flat appearance.
The Bedbug will feed on blood in cool conditions and are generally more active at night and when there is minimal movement in their surroundings.
It is also a known fact that Bedbugs can survive a full 12 months without a single meal.
Bedbug feed on blood with bites people have various responses to bed bug bite because of this it can be hard to identify bed bugs bite so consult Health professional to ascertain an accurate diagnosis for your pest professional to come and see if you have any other signs of bedbugs
If you believe you have seen evidence of bedbugs and want to check your house from having a bedbug infestation call your friendly Slug a Bug Inspector Click Green Button For Your FREE QUOTE
Solves Termite Problems
Basic steps of eradication.
After we have done a thorough inspection we will inform you of the best course of action for bed bug pest control Brisbane. Should the inspection confirm you have an infestation, SLUG A BUG will always apply the latest techniques and tools in defending your home against bedbugs, targeting the source, stopping them from breeding and anything further causing you a tremendous amount of money and a very bad headache.
As bedbugs are hard to eradicate, when we implement our plan of attack this may require additional visits from you SLUG A BUG technician to so we can break the cycle and make your home bedbug FREE so that you don’t experience any more discomfort, hefty price tags or lingering headaches.
Bedbugs can be very hard to find and sneaky but you are slack about we have people trained in this area and can come and inspect your home including furniture rugs beds checking all cracks in crevices and areas where bedbugs normally frequent
Technicians will normally start in your bedroom working through to your lounge room and any areas you may think I reflected any immediate areas around furniture looking for signs of bedbugs
Such as live or dead bedbugs skin test of the mulching process small spot of black and red faecal matter creamed coloured tiny eggs.
Bed Bug Precautions For You Technician
1. Prior to treatment, we recommend that all bed linen, mattress protectors, pillows, etc. are removed and placed directly into a plastic bag for transfer to the laundry. Do not forget to check any drapes/curtains, looking carefully at the top tapes and folds. Do not leave bagged items for long, but wash as soon as possible in hot water (must exceed 60°C).
2. Remove all bed linen and place it in plastic bags. Don’t forget to check the drapes and curtains too!
3. Vacuum thoroughly around the edges of the room, including fixtures, around/in mattress crease/edges and under furniture. The floor area should also be vacuumed.
4. Leave your room well ventilated for at least 2 hours after our treatment has settled and dried (you can open windows or doors). Don’t vacuum or clean closer than 15cm from floor edges for at least 10-14 days after our treatment.
Here At Slug A Bug pest Control Company Brisbane.
we understand that you want to keep your home and family safe from every kind of pest. That is why we offer our customers the highest quality service possible, giving them peace of mind that their home is protected from pests. We offer the following services:
– Pest Control
Our technicians are highly trained and experienced professionals who can help you with any problem you may have with pests in your home or office. We are available 24/7, so call us today!

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