Are you hearing scratching and bumps in the middle of the night? You may well have a rodent issue! First step is to identify the type of pest to ensure the correct rodent control treatment Plan is put in place. Two of the most common rats roof rat and Norway rat. The roof rat is more slender and smaller that a Norway rat. Roof rats are very good at climb around in the trees very good at climbing Vines wires and ledges. Roof rats feed on vegetables fruits bird seeds meat grain snails‘ slugs and insects. Most active around dusk and dawn roof rats are nocturnal creatures. However, if there’s cited in the daytime or heard in the day this can indicate large population. These guys can be skittish not accepting change in their environment too easy. You’re normally hear them crawling around the walls and the roof chewing on electrics and wires. This can be extremely dangerous causing house fires and damaging your property if this occurs, we recommend treatment immediately. Roof rat can often be mistaken for mice. Roof rats have large ears and pointy noses And smooth fur. Identification is easily ascertained from their poop roof rats have pointy ends Roof rats Nest are usually found in addicts walls and trees preferring to nest above ground. When treating these little guys it may take a few days for them to adjust to new Baits placed as they are a bit wary of new things that get introduce to do the habitat. Norway rats have Shaggy fur they have shorter tails than their head sporting scales on tail and ears Norway rats will normally nor their way into Week points of your house enlarging potential entryways Especially with older buildings that have poor construction are at a higher risk for potential Road and problems Norway rats good Borrowers and love garden areas thick shrubs and Uncut grass areas The sneaky guys will enter your house through any whole crack or crevice air conditioner fittings poorly maintained foundation vents holes in Plumbing & utility lines and even under your front door if it doesn’t have a good weather strip if they can fit their gaw through a hole their hole body will fit
Potential risks with these Rodents contaminating food damaging your foundation chewing wire in your house and causing house fires. Signs of destroyed wires that have been chewed fruit or food that has been attacked. Some little signs you may be having an infestation scattered droppings along frequented travelled pathways the poop looks like little capsules. These guys also leave a nice grease stain caused by running along the same edges continuously if your walls are quite heavily soiled where these guys are in running it’s signs that you may have a heavy infestation. Some tips to reduce infestation recurring in your home. Raguly empty rubbish don’t keep fruit and foods open on benches secure any pet foods that may be open do not leave pets food out overnight. Do a thorough check around your home ceiling any cracks and crevices any exposed holes that they can gain at entry around the house sufficient weather stripping on bottom of doors and sealed screens. Prevention is key so keep all food Mater to minimum around the house at all times and don’t forget to clean your dog’s n cats faeces around the yard the rodents love this. Always do regular checks and make sure there’s no water leaks around your property. Norway rats like to NEST around a good water source normally entering homes searching for food and heading back to the underground Burrows. However, these little rodents and known to inhabit addicts‘ basements embankments overgrown weeded areas sewers wood piles and soil beneath building. Commonly feeding on dead animal’s fruits grains meats and nuts these guys are capable of catching small sized fish. Moving on to the small size rodents the house Mouse these guys are Black, grey and also brown in colour with lighter bellies also having fine hair on ears and tail.
House Mouse poop also has pointed ends. These guys are much more stealth than your bigger rodents gaining access very easily through smaller openings. These guys also like inter make a home in your walls addicts any small cracks and crevices around the place under cabinets and hot areas around fridges and dishwashers loving the easy food source they can gain in these areas. Same again always important to sell or foods and don’t leave food out at night time. These little guys can be harmful to humans due to health issues. The house Mouse was a very secretive and very cautious little pho can be hard to control sometimes thriving under wide range of conditions. House of Mouse known to transmit diseases and cause food poisoning also food contamination. Some do it yourself options to try out ceiling of wall cracks and crevices in entry points. Minimising any food sources there might be attracted to. You can try sticky traps baits see how you go. These little guys can literally feed on anything that’s readily available to them. These little guys a very inquisitive and like to spend a day roaming around exploring anything new or out of ordinary. Coming into the colder months these guys like to search for a wall of place to make a nest warmth of your structure is the perfect place also having a readily available food source in your kitchen. Sometimes you can hear these by squeaking around making a bit of sound giving you indication that you have an infestation.
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Once all precautions have been administered and the problem persist slug a bug pest solutions strongly recommend seeking a professional opinion immediately. Your trusted and local slug a bug team can be reached during business hours on 1800 959 663 or 0419 803 194. Our highly trained and certified technicians can provide a solution that would best suits your property and your budget.